Sunday, February 19, 2012

Update time

Sorry for being MIA.
had a few hiccups this week, not bad ones just annoying ones.

firstly well I bought new good scales, ones that read fat and water content etc. Anyway they weigh differently than my old scales and of course I weigh more on these ones. urgh!!!

so since the amount I lost is the same just the numbers are different I have amended my ticker at the top of the blog to reflect what my start weight would have been on this scale, etc. So we are good on that now ;) Phew!!

Next I goofed up with our meal ordering and forgot to do it before I went to work on Thursday, got home at around 1pm and the deadline was 12 noon. so our order defaulted to the first order we did which means my week 3 was 1500 calories. I am trying to be good believe me :) So from now on I think we'll order on the Wednesday, that way I can't goof up.

Okay catchup time and some meal pics.

Week2 Day 4
pretty standard day, meusli for breakfast and a yoghurt in the morning for a snack, nectarine too. Can I just say the nectarines are really delicious and fresh. so good I bought some extra ones to have in stead of an orange, I much prefer them to an orange. Hmm guess I better look up the calories difference on that.
Lunch well I didn't get it till later that night. I had work and hubby had a presentation to do which I always go along to. I didn't get home from work till around 4 so I sort of skipped lunch unintentionally then had it later when we got home. not a good thing I know.
I had corned beef, mash potato and carrots and beans for dinner, it was really good and because we were dashing out to the presentation I forgot to take a photo. sorry. here's a pic of it for you though. I found one in the LnE booklet, a little blurry but you get the idea. I really enjoyed it :)

Week 2 Day 5
Vanilla Crunch Cereal with skim milk has become my favorite of the cereals, yummo!
Chicken Burger with beetroot relish and tomato on a round roll. the roll wasn't very big but by the time I put everything on it, well it was plenty. the beetroot relish was good ;)
Dinner was their new fragrant Thai chicken. Very fragrant, I could still smell the fragrance in my nostrils at bedtime LOL. it was okay, not as nice as the chicken satay but good all the same.

some pics of lunch and dinner
that's my water bottle sitting to the right of my chicken burger.

Fragrant Thai Chicken

Week2 Day 6
favorite breaky of all - a picture says it all
my egg stuck to the pan though cause I used no oil of course.
Lunch was Thai Fried Rice with chicken, quite good

Dinner Steak with Creamy Mushroom Sauce, okay, not the same when you microwave a pre-cooked steak but hey it's a diet people!! :)

Week 2 Day 7
Breaky was fruit n bran cereal and wholegrain and oat toast. the fruit n bran cereal is basically sultana bran. the wholegrain and oat bread used here I think may be Burgen, you can see info on it here  I think the fruit n muesli bread is theirs too, it's small and theirs is the only fruit with muesli I have seen.
Lunch was pasta carbonara, pasta with bacon in a white sauce, no pic sorry, I forgot.
Dinner Honey Soy Chicken, yummy but not a lot of rice.

So this 2nd week, on weigh in day Saturday that is, I had lost another 1.5 kg

starting weight        99.9 (220.241 lb)OMG

Week 1 weight        97.6  lost 2.3 kg  (5.07 lb)
Week 2 weight        96.1 lost 1.5 kg  (3.3 lb)
total lost to date        3.8kg (8.37 lb)

Week 3 Menu

Week 3 Day 1 1500 calories (this should be interesting!!)
Breakfast Creamy Bircher Muesli - I found this quite nice. I've seen a few people post that it was disgusting, but you have to remember this is a diet and bircher muesli is mixed and left to get soggy and thick, it has apple juice in with the muesli too so it has a little tang to it. I like it! so does hubby, but we are muesli people. Just usually in larger quantities in my case rofl.

Apple for a snack, another great fresh one :)

Thai Beef Salad, this was quite tasty

Thai Beef Salad
Peach fruit cup for a snack ( I tend to save these for after dinner maybe I shouldn't)
Chicken with Satay Sauce, one advantage of having the same meals as week 1 is I know which ones are nicer LOL.

Week 3 Day 2
2 slices of fruit n muesli toast with spread and a vanilla yoghurt, an orange for snack (replaced with a nectarine)
Lunch, Greek Meatballs with Roma Tomato & Fetta Salad, this had those risoni pasta thingies and beans of varying types. I just ate it and tried not to think of the week 1 chicken salad that this reminded me of. I survived anyway. the meatballs were good.

snack fig and pecan cookie (OHHHH YEAH!!!) now you're talking, these rock!
Spinach and Fetta Muffin (on my yuck list - gave it to hubby)

Dinner Curried Beef Sausages, you've seen this before so I won't post it again. Still yummy. and filling enough too.

Week 3 Day 3 this is today so we are up to date Yay!

Breakfast Classic Fruit Muesli and two slices of wholegrain and oat toast.
Snack two fruits fruit cup
Lunch Chicken Nachos with melted cheese and a side salad with tomato Vinaigrette, surprisingly yummy.
Apricots and pears with sultanas, I'll have this later on

Chicken Nachos and Salad with tomato vinaigrette

Snacks - not sure if I'll have both of these or give one to Michael for work snack.
Cinnamon Oat Bar
Apple and Sultana Pancake.

Dinner, no idea what I'll have yet, but I'll come back and post an image for you :)

I went for a solo bike ride today. My Hubby Michael found a good long track through a park near the airport but on our side of Botany Bay so I did 1 1/2 hours on the bike down there today. 18.6 km I think the taco said. that's 11.55 miles for you imperial people. :)

okay take it easy and if you are on this journey too, stay strong, you can do it!! and so can I!


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