Monday, February 6, 2012

Day4 Lunch Meatball Pasta Primavera

yep it was quite nice, and it looks pretty good too for only 225 calories. Can't beat that really.

You have to admit once it's put into a real bowl or onto a real plate, these meals don't look like a frozen tv dinner :)  I also had a small tub of pears (83 calorlies) with this for lunch but I'm hanging off an hour before having that. Basically so that I can save the afternoon snacks for later on.

They are a slice of  50g Sultana Tea Cake (yes CAKE!!!) 118 calories  and cheese on wafer crisps. 68 calories and 54 calories.
then dinner which I can choose what I want from the LnE dinners we have in the freezer. It doesn't matter which one you have as they are similar in calories.

Total calories for lunch and snacks 448

Take it Easy

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