Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 5 Menu and pics

Okay So I figured you maybe might prefer to just see my day's rations in one post LOL.
So I took pics of each meal today, hanging off till tonight to post them.

Another day of pleasant meals, one not so hot snack but all in all a good day.

First up I had the Vanilla Crunch Cereal with Skim Milk, this was really really YUMMY
then I was supposed to have Grilled chees on toasted multigrain muffin, but I made an executive decision and had just a scraping of strawberry jam instead.
Morning Snack Red Apple (notice it's a lovely fresh perfect apple - I've heard others complain of getting bad fruit from LnE but ours is always really fresh

I can hear you all wondering what the green things in the cereal are, well those are pepitas, those trail mix seeds, they give the cereal a nice crunch actually.

Lunch was even better, remember the cheese I didn't use at breakfast, well Lunch was Fettuccine Bolognaise, so guess where the cheese ended up LOL.
I saved the orange for after dinner
Afternoon Snack was a Citrus Sultana Oat Biscuit, quite nice
Spinach & Fetta Muffin, no not my cup of tea, Michael ate it, but we wouldn't get it again.

Dinner, another hit for me, Chicken Sate, really good!!

Michael had the Crumbed Fish with wedges and vegies, said the fish was ordinary but okay, and the vegies were nice, even the wedges which he wouldn't usually have, he's more a chips or fries kinda guy.

I am feeling like I have lost some fluid for sure, my ankles are ankles today LOL.
I guess we'll find out soon enough on Saturday :)

take it easy

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