Sunday, February 5, 2012

I wanna be ME!!!

This is ME today. 

I have always carried weight, excess weight. and 3 months ago when my Husband and I quit smoking it ballooned even higher. It's time to act... or die!!

So, in an effort to keep my self honest and accountable I have chosen to track my weight loss journey on the Lite 'n' Easy diet plan.

As moral support, my dear husband is on the plan too, just he's on more calories since he is not really overweight, it's more so I don't have to cook twice. 

WE chose this plan because it's calorie controlled and you can't cheat. Well we can't now as the fridge is almost cleaned out and there is very little besides LnE in there LOL.

So let's make a start, the ugly truth first of all...

My Stats
weight - 99 kg / 218 lbs
height - 164 cm / 5 ft 4 in
waist - 111cm  
BMI - 36.88

weight - 67 kg or less
waist - less than 90cm healthy range
BMI - less than 25 healthy range

So comment if you like, cheer me on or share your thoughts in the comments section.
I'll be posting images of what we eat from day to day and what I find are the pros and cons of LnE I'll even start a Yummy and Yucky list for those thinking of starting on the plan themselves.
take it easy :)

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